Spring and Fabric

All of a sudden it's spring. The garden is still a weedy mess, but there is plenty happening. Bulbs such as species gladiolus are in full bloom, a few daffodils are still around and lilies are in bud. Roses are going crazy and the iris are doing their thing.
I love my garden. I just don't have alot of time for it right now. And I feel guilty about that. Sometimes so guilty I can't even look. But this afternoon, sitting in the sun watching Mr S play in his sandpit, the garden glowed. And I was in love again.
Earlier today I did a trip down memory lane. Mr S loves trains, so we caught a train to Bentleigh. I walked up and down Centre Road. An old stamping ground for me. First time for Mr S. He may have visited Amitie before (flying visit in the car), but it was his first stroll down Centre Road or visit to Benn's Books, one of the book stores from my childhood.
I really want to make a quilt for Mr S. I have bought some bits and pieces for a couple of different quilts, but not enough to finish anything, and no plan. Today I saw a quilt that I loved. Of course they didn't have the fabric anymore, but I bought something similar. It's easy, you just cut up 20cm strips and sew them together, edge them and hand quilt. It's the hand quilting that is really special. Waves, elephants, houses... you use the motifs from the fabrics. I think I can do this quite quickly. Tonight I washed the fabrics.
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